Let me begin by saying, I don’t want to have a political discussion as much as a social one. Party loyalties can sometimes skew logic. Sooooooooo with that out of the way…….
Whether you were for it or against it, the Health Care Reform Bill has been passed into law. Only the future will tell what this means for the country but, one thing that is certain, is it means change. The thing about making changes is you can’t please everyone. I know it is not the agenda or work of just one man, but to spearhead it takes courage. Remember that scene in Braveheart where William Wallace(Mel Gibson) gives an inspirational speech and then leads the charge against the English? Don’t be fooled…. as heroic and valiant as that may have appeared, he was also first to meet the enemy and their artillery.
In 2007 President Obama (then Senator Obama) proclaimed he wanted to be held “accountable” for getting it done. If there is one thing we need more of in this day and age, it’s accountability. We are a very rich country – rich in resources, rich in culture, but also rich with many hypocrisies and inconsistencies. The war abroad > peace at home philosophy is one example. Here’s another:
I pay taxes for things I don’t use but I can’t get what I need. Case in point: I was a private school head, never spent a day in a public school. I don’t have children, but I pay school tax. I have no problem with that and am happy to do so (sings earnestly “I believe the children are our future”) BUT I can’t afford health insurance – which I need. I pay for medicaid as well as medicare and qualify for neither. My tax money is sent off to fund the war of the moment, without so much as a questionnaire asking me if I am in support of it.
……. I think it takes courage to make waves. Apply this concept to music. If one major label right now decided they would sign people based on talent and originality and stop trying to clone last years model, I guarantee they would be successful, or at least leave us with some music that might stand the test of time. (sometimes people take the late bus). Even as an artist – going against the grain can alienate you. Conscious records are not always as popular as party jams – but often times their messages echo loudly in the halls of history. How often have you stayed in a job, relationship, location, all because of a fear of the unknown…… even though the one thing you did know is you weren’t where you wanted to be?
As for health care, only time can tell, but the system was broken and to continue on this path was not the way. They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. I for one have seen enough insanity in the White House.
At the end of the day, with one party championing it, and the other trying to bring it down with all their might, the system of checks and balances may finally come into play….. for a change.
“When the roots are sick, the branches will feel it” – Darien
Special shout to E’vier for the character art!
Hey Darien – Yea, I know about change. I left a 26 year gig a couple of years ago, right before the economy took it’s dive. I have had some scary moments out here, wondering how I was going to make the rent and light bill money, but I’m still hanging tough. Things are progressing slow, the first radio interview resulted in a second interview coming up in April. That saying, “What is the definition of insanity….” — Yea I heard that before, and it really is true. As far as healthcare reform; well one thing for sure, Obama is shaking things up pretty good. As far as the political thing, I stay clear of it. I dip in just enough to stay in the loop. Creativity is where it’s at for me. I’ve been inspired by others and I’ve inspired a few too, but that is what makes the world go around. Thanks for making an entry in your blog; I like when other people share their insights…. Be well, Darien. Peace, Glenn.
Hey Darien,
Great blogs. I appreciate that Pres. Obama has taken action and moved forward with issues that are so overdue for addressing. As a nurse, I can not express how many patients I’ve cared for that don’t have insurance,can’t afford all the meds that are prescribe or stressed because their Insurance company will not pay for treatments. I too don’t have children but will gladly pay extra taxes for schools and to save a persons life so they can receive proper treatment. It truly sickens me to see people like many in this tea party movement(for example) that say they are “passionate about the future” when they are truly passionate about the hatred they have for this 1st Black Pres.. that is actually trying to get the job done. Where were they 8yrs ago when Bush would blatantly lie every time he opened his mouth.I hope we all as well be accountable and do our part to take action and to support our Pres. He can’t do this alone.
As for the music industry, I hope they wake up and get it. Besides catching the Micheal B. show, I don’t listen to the radio due to the nonsense replayed in heavy rotation. I give it to you and other extremely talented artist out there and the frustrations you go through.
Stay Positive, Peace!