What’s the opposite of romance?

I wanted to call this blog “How to remain a hopeless romantic in a ________ world,” …….  so I searched all over to find a word that was the polar opposite of romantic, and couldn’t find one.  But with some research I found something...

I Prefer Sade to Soda

When I was younger I didn’t listen to much Sade.  I always felt her music would put me into too somber a mood………  OK I am being nice – I was a dancer and anything below a certain bpm got no burn from me.  Of course I had a tune or 2 of...

The Artist Pays The Price: Part 2

Well how hefty is the toll? It’s been said that the artist walks the line between sanity and insanity….. and I must admit to feeling about a nudge away from the buckle vest myself at times. I used to think the one thing that could turn your world around...

The Artist Pays The Price: Part 1

“The artist pays the price.” The artist…..  pays the price….. I stared at this phrase until I had to have answer.   I mean…. I’m an artist, what exactly am I paying for now? My thought process is shaped from conversations I have...

Large Props

In just about every interview I have ever had, I have been asked how I started in this biz.  I always say that I started as a dancer and an MC. —– But I don’t think ya’ll understand —– I am a HIP-HOP HEAD. I am the cat that makes...